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Full Name: Ambraegrayme

Pronunciation: Am-brae-gray-me-a

Nickname/Alias: Aurora/Shade

Title: Lady

Pet Name: Bitch, Fluffy{Will lead to death if used}

Mateship: Nickolas

Owns: Not currently possible

Master: Nickolas

Gender: Female

Gender Role: Feminine

Orientation: Straight

Real Age: Unknown

Age Appearance: Appears to be it early twenties {20-24}

Birthplace: Unknown

Species: Dynakin

Sub-Species: Feline

Blood Type: Abnormal; Blood is the consistency of goo like texture while having a deep blue tint. However, blood has small pigments called phosphor which allows it to become energized, radiating with bright neon blue color.

Side note- Blood is highly toxic to most, causing organs to slowly begin to shut down and causes it's victim immense pain.

Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous

Facial Type: Oval shaped. Usually accepted as the perfect face shape. Slightly narrower at jaw line than at temples, and with a graceful taper from cheeks to chin, delicate features with high cheek bones

Eye Color: Ice blue, eyes will become illuminated during the night {Controlled ability}

Hair Color: Pure black with electric blue streaks

Hairstyle: Choppy layers that reach well past her rump, styles do vary depending on mood and attire

Complexion: Pitch black fur with matching blue markings of spots and lines

Body Type: Mesomorph

Build: Athletic, strong, compact and naturally lean body. She has excellent posture which allows her to appear to have some sort of nobility among others. She is gifted with long legs and a reasonable chest size. {A prefect breeder for her kind}

Height: Five foot nine
Weight: One hundred and forty pounds

Cup Size: Thirty eight C

Birthmarks/scars: N/A

Distinguishing Features:

  1. All markings on the lady have the ability to glow in the dark though most times they appear like any other markings unless she is physically causing them to glow

  2. Following the markings she has the ability to cause their teeth to glow but, only seen in pure black out and about to devour their prey

  3. In regards to Shade, teeth are in rows rather then your typical teeth set up allowing him to rip flesh easily while dislocating his jaw to give a 'saw' like motion to cut flesh from bone, so it allows the meat to just 'slide' off

Health: Aurora is quite a health individual, however she does tend to get into a lot of fights when hunting for victims so it isn't out of the norm to see her sporting a few good wounds

Energy: They are quite energetic for being two minds with one body. Most times she stores their energy for hunting or rough occasions that would call upon it

Memory: Both are able to remember scents of each and every individual they stumble upon, since everyone has their own personal fragrance they can give names to those and easily find them later


  • Smell: Superior; They are in a sense blind they make up for it with their unmatched ability to pick up scents that tell the pair where someone has been, what they touched, and who they have been around

  • Hearing: Above average; Typical of her feline genetics it allows the pair to pick up much higher-pitched sounds and ears swivel to pinpoint direction

  • Sight: Non-Existent in a sense; Their ability to pick up scents paints/creates a picture for the pair

  • Touch: Above average; Hidden within the fur of her tail are tiny vibrissae 'whiskers' that pick up air vibrations and alerting her of possible threats as well as aiding her in creating a three-dimensional map of her surroundings with the assistance of her nose to work with

  • Taste: Average; Meat is meat to these pair. However, the more it kicks the better it is

Allergies: N/A

Handicaps: Blind, though plays as if not disabled in that department {Do not assume she is, unless she openly shares the fact and she doesn't share it often}

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